Singapore Savings Bonds
To provide individuals with a long-term savings option that offers safe returns.
Singapore Savings Bonds
At a Glance

Principal at maturity
You will always get your investment amount back in full, i.e. no capital losses.

Long term investment
You can invest for up to 10 years and earn interest that increases over time. The longer you hold your bond, the higher your return.

Flexible redemption
You don’t have to commit upfront how long you want to be invested. You can get your funds back within a month, with no penalty for exiting your investment early.

Maximise your Supplementary Retirement Savings (SRS)
From 1 February 2019, you can use your SRS funds for investing into SSBs.
Features & Benefits
Savings Bonds are a safe and flexible option to maintain the value of your nest egg. You can earn step-up interest on your savings until you need the money. It can help you diversify risks and achieve an efficient portfolio.
Savings Bonds are a special type of Singapore Government Securities (SGS) with features that make them accessible and suitable to individual investors.
- Eligibility – Individuals only
- Term – 10 years
- Mode – Cash and SRS (from 1 February 2019)
- Interest – Paid every 6 months. At issuance, rates are fixed based on the prevailing SGS yields and locked in for each issue.
- Issuance – Monthly
- Redemption – Monthly, with no penalty. Principal and any accrued interest will be paid.
- Investment amount – Minimum of $500, and subsequent multiples of $500 up to a cap to be announced.
- Non-tradable – Savings Bonds are non-marketable securities and cannot be bought or sold in the secondary market.
More information at:
Click here for a Step-by-step guide on applying for Singapore Savings Bonds via Internet Banking.
How to Apply