TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACCESS (Last Updated : 18 Sep 2019)

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Certain Financial Information made available through this website and/or electronic services is published by DBS Members. DBS Members accept no liability for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, incidental damages or any other loss or damages of any kind arising from any use of the Financial Information (including any error, omission or misstatement herein, negligent or otherwise) or further communication thereof, even if DBS Members has been advised of the possibility thereof. The Financial Information published by DBS Members is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation and has been made available through this website and/or electronic services based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy, completeness, timeliness or correctness for any particular purpose. The Financial Information published by DBS Members is published for your general information only and is not to be taken in substitution for the exercise of your judgment, and you should obtain separate legal or financial advice. Opinions expressed by DBS Members are subject to change without notice. Any recommendation contained within any Financial Information published by DBS Members does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific addressee. DBS Members and its associates, their directors, officers and/or employees may have positions or other interests in, and may effect transactions in securities mentioned in the Financial Information and may also perform or seek to perform broking, investment banking and other banking or financial services for these companies.

This document is published by DBS Vickers Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. ("DBSVT"), a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of DBS Vickers Securities Holdings Pte Ltd ("DBSVH"). [This report is intended for clients of DBSV Group only and no part of this document may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or (ii) redistributed without the prior written consent of DBSVT.]
The research is based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not make any representation or warranty as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. This document is prepared for general circulation. Any recommendation contained in this document does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific addressee. This document is for the information of addressees only and is not to be taken in substitution for the exercise of judgement by addressees, who should obtain separate legal or financial advice. DBSVT accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or further communication given in relation to this document. This document is not to be construed as an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities. DBSVH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DBS Bank Ltd. DBS Bank Ltd along with its affiliates and/or persons associated with any of them may from time to time have interests in the securities mentioned in this document. DBS Vickers Research (Singapore) Pte Ltd ("DBSVR"), DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd ("DBSVS"), DBS Bank Ltd and their associates, their directors, and/or employees may have positions in, and may effect transactions in securities mentioned herein and may also perform or seek to perform broking, investment banking and other banking services for these companies.
DBSVUSA does not have its own investment banking or research department, nor has it participated in any investment banking transaction as a manager or co-manager in the past twelve months. Any US persons wishing to obtain further information, including any clarification on disclosures in this disclaimer, or to effect a transaction in any security discussed in this document should contact DBSVUSA exclusively.

The research analyst primarily responsible for the content of this research report, in part or in whole, certifies that the views about the companies and their securities expressed in this report accurately reflect his/her personal views. The analyst also certifies that no part of his/her compensation was, is, or will be, directly, or indirectly, related to specific recommendations or views expressed in this report. As on the reported date, the analyst and his / her spouse and/or relatives who are financially dependent on the analyst, do not hold interests in the securities recommended in this report ("interest" includes direct or indirect ownership of securities, directorships and trustee positions).

- Except for being disclosed in this report, DBS Vickers Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries do not have a proprietary position in the mentioned company as on the reported date.
- Except for being disclosed in this report, DBSVT, DBSVR, DBSVS, DBS Bank Ltd and/or other affiliates of DBS Vickers Securities (USA) Inc ("DBSVUSA"), a U.S.-registered broker-dealer, may beneficially own a total of 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of the mentioned company as on the reported date.
- Compensation for investment banking services:
- DBSVT, DBSVR, DBSVS, DBS Bank Ltd and/or other affiliates of DBSVUSA may have received compensation, within the past 12 months, and within the next 3 months receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from the mentioned company.
- DBSVUSA does not have its own investment banking or research department, nor has it participated in any investment banking transaction as a manager or co-manager in the past twelve months. Any US persons wishing to obtain further information, including any clarification on disclosures in this disclaimer, or to effect a transaction in any security discussed in this document should contact DBSVUSA exclusively.
General | This report is not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation. |
Australia | This report is being distributed in Australia by DBSVR and DBSVS, which are exempted from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services license under the Corporation Act 2001 ("CA") in respect of financial services provided to the recipients. DBSVR and DBSVS are regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ["MAS"] under the laws of Singapore, which differ from Australian laws. Distribution of this report is intended only for "wholesale investors" within the meaning of the CA. |
Hong Kong | This report is being distributed in Hong Kong by DBS Vickers (Hong Kong) Limited which is licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. |
Singapore | This report is being distributed in Singapore by DBSVR, which holds a Financial Adviser's license and is regulated by the MAS. This report may additionally be distributed in Singapore by DBSVS (Company Regn. No. 198600294G), which is an Exempt Financial Adviser as defined under the Financial Advisers Act. Any research report produced by a foreign DBS Vickers entity, analyst or affiliate is distributed in Singapore only to "Institutional Investors", "Expert Investors" or "Accredited Investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Act, Chap. 289 of Singapore. Any distribution of research reports published by a foreign-related corporation of DBSVR/DBSVS to "Accredited Investors" is provided pursuant to the approval by MAS of research distribution arrangements under Paragraph 11 of the First Schedule to the FAA. |
United Kingdom | This report is being distributed in the UK by DBS Vickers Securities (UK) Ltd, who is an authorised person in the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act and is regulated by The Financial Services Authority. Research distributed in the UK is intended only for institutional clients. |
Dubai/United Arab Emirates | This report is being distributed in Dubai/United Arab Emirates by DBS Bank Ltd, Dubai (PO Box 506538, 3rd Floor, Building 3, Gate Precinct, DIFC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates) and is intended only for clients who meet the DFSA regulatory criteria to be a Professional Client. It should not be relied upon by or distributed to Retail Clients. DBS Bank Ltd, Dubai is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority. |
United States | Neither this report nor any copy hereof may be taken or distributed into the United States or to any U.S. person except in compliance with any applicable U.S. laws and regulations. |
Other jurisdictions | In any other jurisdictions, except if otherwise restricted by laws or regulations, this report is intended only for qualified, professional, institutional or sophisticated investors as defined in the laws and regulations of such jurisdictions. |

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