Setting realistic financial objectives is an important start in achieving financial successes. Acquiring investment knowledge would also enable you to better reach your financial goals. Investors may invest for long-term goals such as preparation for retirement and education funds for children as well as short-term objectives such as for vacationing, down payments for homes or cars. Whatever their goals are, investors may not have the time nor expertise to effectively manage their investments.
Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to professionally managed portfolios of equities, bonds and other securities. Each shareholder, therefore, participates proportionally in the gains or losses of the fund. Mutual funds invest in a wide amount of securities, and performance is usually tracked as the change in the total market cap of the fund, derived by aggregating performance of the underlying investments.
DBS Vickers serves as a selling agent for leading asset management companies offering numerous mutual funds and providing recommendations to achieve your investment goals on returns at your preferred risk levels.
List of Asset Management Companies
- Aberdeen Standard Asset Management (Thailand) Ltd
- Krungsri Asset Management Company Ltd
- Kasikorn Asset Management Company Ltd
- Krung Thai Asset Management Company Ltd
- MFC Asset Management Company Ltd
- One Asset Management Company Ltd
- SCB Asset Management Company Ltd
- TMB Asset Management Company Ltd
- Principal Asset Management Company Ltd
- Tisco Asset Management Company Ltd
- UOB Asset Management Company Ltd
- Kiatnakin Phatra Asset Management Company Ltd
- Talis Asset Management Company Ltd
Remarks: Investment in mutual fund(s) contains certain risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investment units are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by, any depository institution or government agency in any jurisdiction. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Please contact 02 857 7171 for prospectus and fund information.
Advantages of investing in mutual funds
- Convenience in investing
- Professionally managed
- Better diversification as a mutual fund usually invests in a portfolio of stocks.
- Tax benefits from investing in certain funds such as LTF and RMF.
Advantages of buying mutual funds through DBS
- One stop center for mutual funds of many asset management companies.
- We have financial advisors to help you with financial planning, risk assessment and recommend mutual funds that suit you.
- We provide updates and performances of your invested funds.
- We organize educational seminars on mutual funds at our training center.
3 Easy steps for investing through us.
Contact us:
to meet our investment consultants to open your account.
Risk assessment:
to ascertain your appropriate risk level
for suitable mutual funds at your unique risk level
How to Apply